Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14, 2009

Grandson has a wicked cold, poor guy. Home from school today just sleeping and watching Scooby-Doo!!

Nana, that's me, I'm blogging and making out my Alison's Pantry order that's due Sept 29.

Thinking about my scrapbooking/office/card making room. We painted it banana color, I just love it! Friday we will be putting in shelves and getting some storage for the paper and supplies. It will finally be accomplished and I'll post the pictures here.

Also doing some surfing to find ways to make some money. I need to support my habbit of buying scrapbooking paper, punches and all that stuff we think we need!!

Weather wize 60+ today and of course windy. At night time it gets cold. The plants have all or most all of them have been froze. I was able to save the mint & some of the flowers by bringing them in the house. According to the weather channel we are suppose to have thunderstorms all week long. What fun that will be.

I guess I have blabbed enough today.

Will be working on some tatting for Christmas gifts and want to try my hand at glass etching for a few more gifts.