Monday, April 20, 2009


hmmm, grandchildren are wonderful...sometimes!
Today our grandson decided it would be fun to pee in his toy box & on the floor. When I found him he was laughing and told me what he had done. I was so mad I just picked up the toy box of cars and trucks and put them in the tub, washed them all off and then did the same to the toy box.

I didn't spank him or yell at him. I just talked to him and asked why he did it, "cuz it was funny nana."

Then we went to preschool.

After lunch he decided to go play in the back yard. Well, it's awful muddy out there. After 3 times coming in a changing I told him the next time he came in he'd be going to the bath tub. He's happy now that he got to play outside.

Oh did I tell ya, he's 3 1/2 years old.

I also was able to make a card today. I'm not really happy with it. Because I'm still learning and trying to keep the grandson out of trouble at the same time.